Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chauncey Bailey Is Now A Spirit, Not A Ghost!

"Robin Hardin, Chauncey Bailey’s former wife, and my sister, on one of her favorite memories of Chauncey

“One of my favorite memories was watching him edit Kimberly and Kelly's (Hardin’s nieces) elementary school newspaper he founded called the FLASH.”

“He worked for the Detroit News and got them to donate a newsstand for the school. He put a box in front of the principal’s office and the elementary school students had a deadline to put their stories in the box. Every Wednesday he would pick up the box with the stories and bring it home. Wednesday was FLASH night in our home. He would sit there at the typewriter and edit all of those stories and put them in a newspaper format. He would then run off the copies and every Friday morning before the children would arrive at school he would fill the newsstand with the newspapers and sit across the street and watch the young children go to their newsstand, open it up, get their newspaper and begin to read. He said it was important to edit the stories because he said you had to reinforce a positive. At the time he left to go back to Oakland it was the only weekly elementary school newspaper in the United States. That is the Chauncey I knew and loved. He cared, he truly cared.”

Thank you to the people of Oakland who created this tribute to the hardest working man in journalism, Chauncey Bailey.

His search for truth cost him his life. His search for truth has granted him eternal life.

It's true. Chauncey Bailey is now a Spirit, not a ghost. Long live Chauncey Bailey. Long live all good spirits and souls.

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