Sunday, October 4, 2009

Infinite Self & Miracles - Stuart Wilde & Yawehking


I've shared with family and friends for decades how much of a fan I am of the great writer Stuart Wilde.  He's had me flying off cliffs for decades.  Traditional media in America has basically ignored this dynamic thinker and others who are changing the course we are on by helping folks change our minds. That barrier is broken now with various social media as a tool to break through the mainstream dominance of the past.  


I am so grateful for the webeo producer Yawehking whose made pieces from Stuart Wilde's "Infinite Self 33 Steps To Reclaiming Your Inner Power", "Miracles" and other great works.  Yawehking brings Wilde's World View and others beyond print onto the web screen in an entertaining, empowering, inspiring style.  He's created a series of great "prayer-tation" tools to empower both prayer and meditation.

Enjoy these powerful tools, the webeos, the books, your miracles and other quests.

You can find more of Yawehking's work on YouTube and his new blog .

Stuart Wilde's site has all his books and other great information.  I read his latest book is his greatest one.