Thursday, October 16, 2008

Glory Be Prayer Updated

Glory be to the Father
And To the Son
And To The Holy Spirit
As It Was In The Beginning
Is Now And Ever Shall Be

THE LORD GOD (by whatever Name) IS WITHOUT END.

The world.....

Monday, October 13, 2008

Prayer of Application to the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit,
You who solve all problems,
Who light all roads so that I can attain our goal.
You who gives me the Divine Gift to forgive and forget all the evil against me,
who in all instances of my life are with me;
I want in this short prayer to Thank You for all things
and to confirm once again that I never want o be separated from you.
Even in spite of all illusions, I wish to be with You, Eternal Glory.
Thank You for Your Mercy and Miracles toward me and mine.

(Publish this prayer when it works for you. Many have reported results in as little as once a day for 3 days.)